Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Voluntary Nature of Taxes

"The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax." - Albert Einstein
  Senate Leader Harry Reid explains in depth how people are free to pay their taxes:
Now we only need to figure out where he found the definition of "voluntary!"
U.S. President Barrack Obama says the opposite - "People don't voluntarily pay taxes"
Enjoy paying your taxes, whether you pay them voluntarily or not.  I often see socialist minded people say how taxes are a form of charity.  When I ask them if they feel good about paying taxes or if they ever just pay a little extra because it is the right thing to do... I never get an answer.  If taxation really goes for charity then would you take any deductions on charitable giving through your tax bill.  That one also goes unanswered.
Before we leave the subject of the day let's flashback to Milton Friedman; on who pays taxes, the employer or the employee


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